Axel Oberwelland

Axel Oberwelland Net Worth, Age, Family & Biography


Real Time Net Worth

#392 in the world today

About Axel Oberwelland

Axel Oberwelland is a German businessman and billionaire who owns the confectionery manufacturer August Storck, which was established in 1903 by his eponymous great-grandfather. The organisation is most popular for its brands Werther’s Unique, Riesen and Toffifee. The firmly held organisation sells its items in excess of 100 nations and has an income of around 3 billion euros.

Axel Oberwelland
Friedhelm Loh (2.v.l.) traf 2016 Kanzlerin Angela Merkel und US-Präsident Barack Obama.

Axel Oberwelland Career

Axel Oberwelland was born in 1966, in Bielefeld, Germany. 60 years before his incredible granddad established a sweet shop business, which would turn into the premise of the family fortune. Oberwelland went to secondary school in Bielefeld and a live-in school close to St. Moritz, Switzerland, later concentrating on business at the College of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

Prior to being promoted to promotion supervisor for August Storck in the United States, he began working in the public relations department of his family’s confectionery company in Hamburg in 1995. He succeeded his dad, Klaus Oberwelland, as broad accomplice of the sweets organisation in 2003, and acquired the business when his dad kicked the bucket two years after the fact.

Axel Oberwelland Facts

Oberwelland’s control over the closely held confectionery August Storck is the source of his wealth. According to the Orbis company database, the Oberwelland family owns the Berlin-based company. In this analysis, Axel is given full ownership to reflect his control over the business.

Axel Oberwelland
Axel Oberwelland is owner of the confectionery manufacturer August Storck.

Axel Oberwelland Net Worth

Axel Oberwelland’s net worth was estimated to be around $1.2 billion USD, as of 2023, making him a billionaire businessman.

Personal Information

Full Name Axel Oberwelland
Father’s Name Klaus Oberwelland
Mother’s Name Not Mention
Siblings Not Mention
Date Of Birth 1 August 1966
Birth Place Bielefeld, West Germany
Age 57 Years
Height Not Mention
Education Graduate
Net Worth $1.2 Billion
Profession Businessman
Relationship Status Married

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