Fredrik Lundberg

Fredrik Lundberg Net Worth, Age, Family & Biography
$5.3B Real Time Net Worth #494 in the world today

About Fredrik Lundberg

Fredrik Lundberg is an extremely rich Swedish person and a financial specialist. Lundberg is the CEO and the biggest investor of Lundbergs, a public land and venture organisation. With holdings in the real estate company Fastighets L E Lundberg and the project developer Skanska, the Stockholm-based company generated 29.2 billion kronor in revenue in 2022.

Fredrik Lundberg
Fredrik Lundberg with daughters Katarina Martinson (left) and Louise Lindh

Fredrik Lundberg Education

Lundberg was brought into the world on the fifth of August 1951 in Norrkoping, Sweden. L E Lundbergforetagen AB was founded by Lars Erik Lundberg, his father. While Fredrik was in school, he won a junior curling world championship. Fredrik graduated from the Stockholm School of Economics with a bachelor’s degree.

Fredrik Lundberg Career

Prior to joining Lundbergs in 1977, Fredrik Lundberg got a bosses degree from the Stockholm School of Financial Matters. He turned into the organisation’s CEO and president in 1981 and administered its admission to the Stockholm Stock Trade in 1983.

In 1981, Fredrik joined his family’s business. In 1944, Fredrik’s father Lars Erik Lundberg established L E Lundbergforetagen AB as a construction company. Fredrik received the majority stake in the business from his father. Fredrik is the President of the association. Real estate and other investments account for the majority of his wealth.

Fredrik Lundberg Facts

According to the company’s 2022 annual report, Fredrik Lundberg owns more than 25 million Class B shares and 76 million Class A shares. The worth of his money ventures depends on an investigation of profits, insider exchanges, charges, beneficent commitments and market execution.

Fredrik Lundberg Net Worth

Fredrik Lundberg’s net worth was estimated to be around $5.3 billion USD, as of 2023, making him a billionaire businessman.

Personal Information

Full Name Fredrik Lundberg
Father’s Name Lars Erik Lundberg
Mother’s Name Not Mention
Siblings Not Mention
Date Of Birth 5 August 1951
Birth Place Norrkoping, Sweden
Age 72 Years
Height 5’ 10”
Education Stockholm School Of Economics
Net Worth $5.3 Billion
Profession Businessmen
Relationship Status Married

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