Marc Rowan

Marc Rowan Net Worth, Age, Family & Biography
$5.8 B Real Time Net Worth #379 in the world today

About Marc Rowan

American billionaire Marc Jeffrey Rowan invests in private equity. Rowan joined Drexel Burnham Lambert’s mergers and acquisitions division, where he worked in New York City and Los Angeles. Rowan co-founded Apollo Global Management in 1990 with former Drexel coworkers Josh Harris and Leon Black. In March 2011, the company went public.

Marc Rowan
Carolyn Rowan, Marc Rowan

Marc Rowan Career

Marc Rowan was born in August 1962. In the wake of graduating from the Wharton School at the College of Pennsylvania in 1985, he joined the consolidations and acquisitions group at Drexel Burnham Lambert. Rowan once stated, referring to his work at Drexel in later years, “I worked directly for Dennis Levine, who went to jail.” Then I went to work for Marty Siegel, who also went to prison. After that, I left for California to work for Mike Milken, who ended up in jail as well.”

After Drexel fell in 1990, Rowan helped to establish Apollo Worldwide Administration with his previous Drexel associates, Leon Dark and Joshua Harris. Buying distressed domestic U.S. businesses was the main focus of investments in the 1990s. Leveraged buyouts, real estate investments, and publicly traded funds are just a few of Apollo’s expanded investment and geographic operations.

Marc Rowan Facts

He gave the Wharton School $50 million in October 2018, making it the largest single gift in the school’s history. The Penn Wharton Budget Model would be supported, three Rowan Distinguished Professors would be hired, and Rowan Fellows would be appointed.

Marc Rowan Net Worth

Marc Rowan’s net worth was estimated to be around $5.4 billion USD, as of 2023, making him a billionaire businessman.

Marc Rowan
From Left to Right Asia Pacific President, Bank of America, Jin Su, Group Chief Executive, Schroders, Peter Harrison, CEO, Apollo Global Management, Marc Rowan, Chairman and CEO, Goldman Sachs, David Solomon, Group Chief Executive, Barclays, C.S. Venkatakrishnan, posing for a photo after the panel on Markets, trends and opportunities the Global Hong Kong Global Financial Leaders Investment Summit on November 7, 2023 in Hong Kong, China.

Personal Information

Full Name Marc Jeffrey Rowan
Father’s Name Not Mention
Mother’s Name Barbara
Siblings Andrea
Date Of Birth 19 August 1962
Birth Place United State
Age 61 Years
Height Not Mention
Education MBA from Wharton School Of the University of Pennsylvania
Net Worth $5.8 Billion
Profession CEO and Co-Founder of Apollo Global Management
Relationship Status Married
Marc Rowan
CEO of Apollo Global Management, Marc Rowan, during the panel on Markets, trends and opportunities the Global Hong Kong Global Financial Leaders Investment Summit on November 7, 2023 in Hong Kong, China.

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