Alex Gerko

Alex Gerko Net Worth, Age, Family & Biography
$11.3B Real Time Net Worth #416 in the world today

About Alex Gerko

Gerko is the founder of XTX Markets, an algorithmic trading company that operates in the commodity, equity, foreign exchange, and fixed-income markets. The London-based business had revenue of more than $1.7 billion in 2021 and offices in New York, Singapore, Paris, and Mumbai. Gerko was in charge of market-making at the hedge fund GSA Capital before starting XTX.

The Moscow-born Gerko was viewed as the UK’s greatest expense supporter in the 2023 Sunday Times Duty Rundown. The trader-turned-mathematician received the honour shortly after securing victory in his struggle to renounce his Russian citizenship.

Alex Gerko
Gerko is the founder of XTX Markets

Alex Gerko Family

Alex Gerko was born in Moscow, attended the New Economic School, and later earned a doctorate from Moscow State University. He started his vocation exchanging values at Deutsche Bank in 2004 preceding moving to unfamiliar trade. In 2009, he moved to the mutual fund GSA Capital, where he ran market production.

He started XTX Markets in 2015, an algorithmic trading company that wants to automate everything. The London-based firm has workplaces in Paris, New York, Singapore and Mumbai. It booked incomes of more than $1.7 billion in 2021.

Alex Gerko Facts

The worth of Gerko’s money and different resources depends on profits of more than $2.4 billion paid to start around 2020 by a holding organisation constrained by Gerko. Based on his ownership of the group, he receives 75% of these payments after accounting for taxes and market performance.

Alex Gerko Net Worth

Alex Gerko’s net worth was estimated to be around $11.4 billion USD, as of 2023, making him a billionaire businessman.

Personal Information

Full Name Alex Gerko
Father’s Name Joseph
Mother’s Name Anna
Siblings Not Mention
Date Of Birth 3 December 1979
Birth Place Russia
Age 43 Years
Height Not Mention
Education Ph.D. from Moscow State University
Net Worth $11.3 Billion
Profession Businessman, Entrepreneur
Relationship Status Married

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