Kwon Hyuk-Bin

Kwon Hyuk-Bin Net Worth, Age, Family & Biography

$5 B

Real Time Net Worth

#417 in the world today

About Kwon Hyuk-Bin

Kwon Hyuk-bin is the fifth-richest person in South Korea. The third-largest gaming company in the nation, Smilegate Holdings Inc., was founded by the self-made billionaire and is led by him as chief visionary officer (CVO). Crossfire, a first-person shooter (FPS) game with more than six million active players worldwide, is the product for which the company is best known. Other well-liked games include the Real Time Strategy (RTS) game WarReign and the Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) Lost Ark.

Kwon Hyuk-Bin
Impending divorce of 5th-richest man in Korea draws speculation over asset division

About Kwon Hyuk-Bin

Kwon Hyuk-bin is the fifth-richest person in South Korea. The third-largest gaming company in the nation, Smilegate Holdings Inc., was founded by the self-made billionaire and is led by him as chief visionary officer (CVO). Crossfire, a first-person shooter (FPS) game with more than six million active players worldwide, is the product for which the company is best known. Other well-liked games include the Real Time Strategy (RTS) game WarReign and the Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) Lost Ark.

Kwon Hyuk-Bin Facts

Kwon helped launch Orange Farm, South Korea’s most prominent private incubator and has contributed more than $5 million to construct schools in China and Vietnam. Additionally, he has given his alma mater, Sogang University, more than $2 million.

Kwon Hyuk-Bin Net Worth

Kwon Hyuk-Bin’s net worth was estimated to be around $5.1 billion USD, as of 2023, making him a billionaire businessman.

Personal Information

Full Name Kwon Hyuk-Bin
Father’s Name Not Mention
Mother’s Name Not Mention
Siblings Not Mention
Date Of Birth In 1947
Birth Place South Korean
Age Around 75-76 Years
Height Not Mention
Education Graduate
Net Worth $5 Billion
Profession Businessman
Relationship Status Married


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