Philip Ng

Philip Ng Net Worth, Age, Family & Biography
$7.5 B Real Time Net Worth #492 in the world today

About Philip Ng

Far East Organization, Singapore’s largest privately held developer, is led by Philip Ng as chief executive. In 2022, it is estimated to have made $4.3 billion in revenue. He controls Hong Kong-based designer Sino Gathering with his sibling, Robert, and has a stake in Tsim Sha Tsui Properties, a Hong Kong-based engineer.

Philip Ng
one of the largest private property developers in Singapore

Philip Ng Career

Philip Ng is the youngest son of Ng Teng Fong, who established the Sino Group in Hong Kong approximately a decade later and the Far East Organization, the largest privately held property developer in Singapore, in the 1960s. The late patriarch, who was born in China’s southeastern Fujian region before relocating to Singapore when he was six, kicked the bucket in 2010 after experiencing a cerebral discharge.

Ng got a structural science certificate with top-of-the-line respect from Ruler’s School, London College, and Graduate degrees in geotechnical designing and city arranging from the Massachusetts Foundation of Innovation. In the 1990s, he succeeded his father as CEO of the Far East Organization.

Orchard Parade acquired the medical suites and hospitality management business of the parent company. When Ng was chairman of a government-run organisation that managed the resort island’s development from 2001 to 2007, he oversaw the transformation of Sentosa. Previously known for its foam parties and musical fountains, Sentosa is now home to a casino resort and high-end residential enclave.

Philip Ng Facts

In 2011, Ng and his family contributed approximately $100 million to the construction of a Singaporean hospital in memory of their deceased father. Tan Cheng Bock, a former member of Parliament, resigned from the board of the hospital because he disagreed with the idea of giving it the name Ng Teng Fong Hospital.

In 2012, when Singapore-listed Orchard Parade Holdings sold three hotels through the listing of a property trust, he reorganised the group’s hospitality and healthcare businesses. The trust then bought several Far East Organization-owned Singapore hotels and serviced apartments.

Philip Ng Net Worth

Philip Ng’s net worth was estimated to be around $15.2 billion, as of 2023, making him a billionaire businessman.

Personal Information

Full Name Philip Ng Wan-lung
Father’s Name Ng Teng Fong
Mother’s Name Net Worth
Siblings Robert Ng Chee Siong
Date Of Birth 16 September 1958
Birth Place Singapore
Age 65 Years
Height  5’ 9”
Education Graduate
Net Worth $7.5 Billion
Profession Businessman
Relationship Status Married

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