Ronald McAulay

Ronald McAulay Net Worth, Age, Family & Biography
$2.90 B Real Time Net Worth #414 in the world today

About Ronald McAulay

A millionaire businessman from Hong Kong is named Ronald James McAulay. McAulay is an investor in CLP Possessions, Hong Kong’s greatest power provider, which likewise has clients in China, Taiwan, India and Southeast Asia. Together with his brother-in-law, Michael Kadoorie, he runs the publicly traded company. The pair additionally claims to partake in Hongkong and Shanghai Lodgings, which works the Promontory chain.

Ronald McAulay
Ronald James McAulay is a Hong Kong billionaire businessman

Ronald McAulay Education

Ronald McAulay, who was born in October 1935, earned a Master of Arts from the University of Glasgow. He has also held membership in the Scottish Institute of Chartered Accountants. Later, he wed Rita Kadoorie, a wealthy Jewish family with roots in Baghdad, Iraq, and a third-generation member of the powerful Kadoorie clan.

Ronald McAulay Career

Elly Kadoorie, Rita’s great-grandfather, and his younger brother Ellis made their first trip to the Far East in 1880. To work for E. D. Sassoon and Co., a business run by another Jewish family, the pair relocated to Hong Kong. Elly bought 25 shares of the Hongkong Hotel Co. in 1890, and the business then bought 85% of Shanghai Hotels and changed its name to the Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels after acquiring those properties.

In 1911, just before World War I, Elly relocated his family and business to Shanghai. The family built a second home, the Marble Hall, which is still standing after their first house was destroyed by fire in 1919 and his wife perished there. In 1948, he came back to Hong Kong to launch a brokerage firm. Finance, real estate, and utilities brought the family great wealth. They acquired stock in what was formerly known as China Light & Power and finally took control of the electricity supplier. Later, the business was renamed CLP Holdings.

Ronald McAulay Facts

The majority of McAulay’s fortune comes from a 10% ownership in CLP Holdings, the largest energy provider in Hong Kong. Through trusts, he is the owner of the shares. He and his brother-in-law, Michael Kadoorie, jointly hold one of the trusts. On October 1, 2016, McAulay resigned from the CLP Holdings board. Since that time, his ownership of shares has not been mentioned in annual reports, including the report for 2022. This analysis assumes that the stake remains constant from the value given in the 2015 report.

Ronald McAulay Net Worth

Ronald McAulay’s net worth was estimated to be around $3 billion USD, as of 2023, making him a billionaire businessman.

Personal Information

Full Name Ronald James McAulay
Father’s Name Not Mention
Mother’s Name Not Mention
Siblings Not Mention
Date Of Birth In 1935 Or 1936
Birth Place Hong Kong
Age Around 86-87 Years
Height Not Mention
Education Graduate
Net Worth $2.9 Billion
Profession Businessman
Relationship Status Married

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