Ruan Liping

Ruan Liping Net Worth, Age, Family & Biography
$6.2B Real Time Net Worth #391 in the world today

About Ruan Liping

Ruan is the chairman of Gongniu Group, a Chinese manufacturer of electrical switches and sockets. The corporation, which has its headquarters in Cixi, Zhejiang, generated 14.1 billion yuan in revenue in 2022 and has more than 1.1 million retail locations nationwide. In February 2020, it started openly trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Ruan Liping
Ruan Liping

Ruan Liping Education

In 1963, Ruan was born. In the 1980s, he earned his degree in hydraulic and electrical engineering from Wuhan University.

Ruan Liping Career

He began his career as an electrical engineer in a government-owned facility but later left his position to launch his own company making sockets. In 1995, this company evolved into Gongniu Group. According to an interview Ruan gave to a local newspaper in 2017, Ruan enjoys playing basketball and named his company Gongniu, which also translates to “bull,” after the Chicago Bulls of the National Basketball Association. By the end of 2019, the business has sales outlets in more than 300 cities across China and 10 billion yuan in annual sales.

Ruan Liping Facts

According to the company’s 2023 first-quarter report, Ruan owns his stock both directly and through the investment vehicle Ningbo Liangji Industry, which he shares ownership with his younger brother Ruan Xueping.

Ruan Liping Net Worth

Ruan Liping’s net worth was estimated to be around $6 billion USD, as of 2023, making him a billionaire businessman.

Personal Information

Full Name Ruan Liping
Father’s Name Not Mention
Mother’s Name Not Mention
Siblings Ruan Xueping
Date Of Birth In 1963
Age Around 60 Years
Birth Place China
Height Not Mention
Education Graduate
Net Worth $6.2 Billion
Profession Businessman
Relationship Status Married

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